What To Expect: My Journal Entry

If you are following me on Periscope then you remember when I got my copy of What To Expect When You’re Expecting Pregnancy Journal and Organizer back in my 10th week.

No one aside from me is going to see what I wrote in for a long time so I decided to share one of the prompt pages from the journal section. Also,I encourage all you mamas to be to use it as your own journal entry. Enjoy!



Baby’s Latest Moves: the kicking and punching is at an all time high, Avery is most active when I’m settling in for the night

I felt my first Braxton Hicks on: haven’t had any yet

Besides the obvious,this part of my body is swollen,too: my butt. Amani is always slapping me on it and talking about how huge its gotten 😬

How I’m Feeling About My Body: I like my growing belly but am self conscious about the bottom half of it because Avery’s head is not there so it’s just soft and jello like

How I’m Feeling In General: sometimes I panic about Avery coming and sometimes I’m just like “Its all good”

My most recent clumsy moment: tripped over my own foot(at least I think it was my foot, I can’t see my feet anymore)

Recently I dreamed: I was chasing my deceased cat down the block,but I couldn’t catch up to her. I woke up crying.

The best pregnancy advice I’ve gotten lately: Rest when you need to

The worst pregnancy advice I’ve gotten lately: none

I’m most sick of hearing: Why did you wait ten years to have another baby?

The nicest thing my partner said to me: He told me my skin looked good

The nicest thing my partner has done for me: he is moving and will not move until his new place is approved by me. He wants to make sure I’m comfortable letting Avery be there.

What I’ll Miss Most About Being Pregnant: eating whatever I want without getting odd looks from people

What I’ll Miss Least: the constant peeing. I pride myself on peeing 2x a day tops but lately it’s been at least 10-20x a day.

What I’m Looking Forward To The Most About Being A Mom: trusting my own judgement when making decisions about Avery. I let other people dictate my decisions when Amani was first born and it made me less confident in myself as a mom.

My message to baby: I can’t wait to hold you

Dad’s message: N/A

3 Comments Add yours

  1. OMG, congratulations! ❀ ❀ One of the things I missed most about being pregnant was my built in book reading shelf (tummy)! That and gorging on all the salad I could eat.


  2. Debra says:

    For me, the last months of pregnancy were the most beautiful and most terrible. My husband created very comfortable conditions for me and fulfilled all my quirks. But I thought that I would be the first woman eternally pregnant πŸ™‚


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