2019 Quarter One Goals

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your families, friends,and significant others during the holidays. I also hope you’re ready to get down to business this year like I am.My theme/word for this year is consistency and so I’ve picked goals that will help me focus on that.

Now that I’ve given birth to my son, Avery, I’m ready to start earning some coin to support my children. I have been blogging for 7 years now and I haven’t earned a dime on my words. I’ve been hearing a lot about affiliate marketing and I actually have an Amazon affiliate account but I’m not sure how to use it for the blog. Thank goodness for YouTube and podcast because I plan on using them to learn just how to use affiliates successfully. I dont plan on making a whole lot of money but something is better than nothing.

I was also considering becoming a brand ambassador for baby brands or reviewing items for compensation. Dont misunderstand me, I will only review products I have actually used for my baby and I assume an added benefit is that I would get some items for free to do the reviews. Once again, I have no idea how to do that but I know who to ask about approaching brands.

I started a baby development series on Periscope called Oh,Baby! and it will follow my journey into motherhood a second time around as well as document Avery’s progress and growth. Already in the first episode I think I mention poop quite a bit and if I dont,dont worry it’s coming lol. I will go live every 5th of the month at 10 AM EST,with Avery as my co host.

Last but not least I’m restarting a second series on Periscope called The First 100,in which I review the first 100 pages of the book I’m currently reading. It’s not a long drawn out review just a little snippet to what your appetite and help you decided if you want to read it. It will premiere on Monday January 7th, 2019 at 10 AM EST.

I have quite a few social media goals I know but I have a personal goal as well. There is a real concern about health for my mother and her doctor us urging a lifestyle change,which includes healthier eating. My daughter’s doctor also is concerned about health issues for her due to weight gain and so I’ve decided to do a complete overhaul of my refrigerator and eat healthy via the recipes I make. Some of my family’s favorites can be made in a healthier way and so my plan is not to focus on losing weight but to focus on being healthier as a family. The weight loss will just be a bonus.

I would love to hear some of your goals for 2019. Leave them in the comments or hit me up across all social media at mommyincolor(mommyincolor89 on Twitter) Let’s hold each other accountable

6 Comments Add yours

  1. The eating plan sounds excellent. Good luck with that!


  2. Michelle says:

    First, Congrats on baby Avery!
    Sounds like you have some good goals in mind.

    I don’t make resolutions but make goals too. I want to learn yoga this year and also write a second book. I have other goals but these two are major.

    Visiting from Mama Kat’s Writing Prompts. Happy New Year!


    1. mommyincolor says:

      Thank you for visiting! Good luck on your goals!


  3. Magalys says:

    Congratulations on your baby boy! 👶🏻💙


    1. mommyincolor says:

      Thank you!!! I appreciate you stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

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